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You can search using either a gene name, Ensembl identifier (from ) or Naked Mole-Rat sequence ID

For more detailed queries you can use boolean (AND, OR, NOT), wildcard (*) and range searches ([1 TO 2]). You can also search for specific terms by grouping them in quotes e.g. "growth hormone". Certain fields are also available for more detailed filtering: ka_ks_ratio, cdna_percentage and protein_percentage. These can be used by following the structure of the next example: ka_ks_ratio:[0.75 TO 0.8] or protein_percentage:98. When using filters wildcards are required to get partial matches.

Search results (90087 matches)

Identifier Type Matches
XM_004872870.1 Coding sequence
Tmem174 (NCBI Annotation)
TMEM174 (Guinea pig)
TMEM174 (Human)
Tmem174 (Mouse)
Tmem174 (Rat)
XM_004872868.1 Coding sequence
Tmem171 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872863.1 Coding sequence
Tnpo1 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872856.1 Coding sequence
Mrps27 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872851.1 Coding sequence
Mccc2 (NCBI Annotation)
ENSCPOG00000005876 (Guinea pig)
XM_004872844.1 Coding sequence
Gtf2h2 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872839.1 Coding sequence
Ocln (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872837.1 Coding sequence
Ocln (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872832.1 Coding sequence
Cdk7 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872824.1 Coding sequence
unclassified transcription discrepancy (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872819.1 Coding sequence
LOC101723847 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872817.1 Coding sequence
LOC101722450 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872812.1 Coding sequence
Ppp1r1a (NCBI Annotation)
PPP1R1A (Guinea pig)
PPP1R1A (Human)
Ppp1r1a (Mouse)
Ppp1r1a (Rat)
XM_004872805.1 Coding sequence
Itga5 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872800.1 Coding sequence
Znf385a (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872793.1 Coding sequence
Nfe2 (NCBI Annotation)
NFE2 (Guinea pig)
NFE2 (Human)
Nfe2 (Mouse)
Nfe2 (Rat)
XM_004872788.1 Coding sequence
Cbx5 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872786.1 Coding sequence
Smug1 (NCBI Annotation)
SMUG1 (Guinea pig)
SMUG1 (Human)
Smug1 (Mouse)
Smug1 (Rat)
XM_004872781.1 Coding sequence
Hoxc6 (NCBI Annotation)
HOXC6 (Guinea pig)
HOXC6 (Human)
Hoxc6 (Mouse)
Hoxc6 (Rat)
XM_004872773.1 Coding sequence
Calcoco1 (NCBI Annotation)
CALCOCO1 (Guinea pig)
CALCOCO1 (Human)
Calcoco1 (Mouse)
XM_004872768.1 Coding sequence
Pcbp2 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872766.1 Coding sequence
Pcbp2 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872761.1 Coding sequence
Map3k12 (NCBI Annotation)
XM_004872754.1 Coding sequence
Npff (NCBI Annotation)
NPFF (Guinea pig)
NPFF (Human)
Npff (Mouse)
Npff (Rat)
XM_004872749.1 Coding sequence
Amhr2 (NCBI Annotation)