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You can search using either a gene name, Ensembl identifier (from ) or Naked Mole-Rat sequence ID

For more detailed queries you can use boolean (AND, OR, NOT), wildcard (*) and range searches ([1 TO 2]). You can also search for specific terms by grouping them in quotes e.g. "growth hormone". Certain fields are also available for more detailed filtering: ka_ks_ratio, cdna_percentage and protein_percentage. These can be used by following the structure of the next example: ka_ks_ratio:[0.75 TO 0.8] or protein_percentage:98. When using filters wildcards are required to get partial matches.

Search results (90087 matches)

Identifier Type Matches
XP_004871397.1 Protein Part of XM_004871340.1
Adar (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871403.1 Protein Part of XM_004871346.1
Atp8b2 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871402.1 Protein Part of XM_004871345.1
Atp8b2 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871421.1 Protein Part of XM_004871364.1
Ubap2l (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871415.1 Protein Part of XM_004871358.1
Ubap2l (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871422.1 Protein Part of XM_004871365.1
Ubap2l (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871428.1 Protein Part of XM_004871371.1
LOC101700069 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871432.1 Protein Part of XM_004871375.1
Tpm3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871444.1 Protein Part of XM_004871387.1
Tpm3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871436.1 Protein Part of XM_004871379.1
Tpm3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871446.1 Protein Part of XM_004871389.1
Tpm3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871458.1 Protein Part of XM_004871401.1
Jtb (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871451.1 Protein Part of XM_004871394.1
Creb3l4 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871462.1 Protein Part of XM_004871405.1
Dennd4b (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871478.1 Protein Part of XM_004871421.1
Ints3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871472.1 Protein Part of XM_004871415.1
Ints3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871469.1 Protein Part of XM_004871412.1
Ints3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871485.1 Protein Part of XM_004871428.1
Chtop (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871492.1 Protein Part of XM_004871435.1
S100a1 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871489.1 Protein Part of XM_004871432.1
S100a13 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871496.1 Protein Part of XM_004871439.1
S100a16 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871528.1 Protein Part of XM_004871471.1
Olig3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871530.1 Protein Part of XM_004871473.1
Slc35d3 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871532.1 Protein Part of XM_004871475.1
Pex7 (NCBI Annotation)
XP_004871539.1 Protein Part of XM_004871482.1
Map7 (NCBI Annotation)